Nonprofit contests are a dime a dozen, it seems. Today, Joe and Megan highlight three great contests that are either open for submissions currently or will be taking place in the near future. First, Ifdy Perez, Community Manager for Razoo, joins us to share “Twive and Receive”, a nation-wide fundraising campaign that pits city against city in a one-day fundraising effort on May 24. Then we take a look at Toyota’s “100 Cars for Good” campaign (deadline March 26th) and what Toyota does to make this campaign appealing for nonprofits and how it boosts their brand at the same time. Finally, we bring Sherri Wood, founder of nonprofit One Warm Coat, into the conversation to talk about the Cause Marketing Forum/AOL Impact ‘Share Your Cause’ contest (deadline March 30). As the winner of this contest last year, Sherri talks about why this particular contest was of interest to their nonprofit and what the benefit was to her cause. Join us for all this and more!
Mentioned Links:
Cause Marketing Forum/AOL Impact ‘Share Your Cause’
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