Campaign: Lindt Easter Campaign
Company: Lindt
Nonprofit Partner: Autism Speaks
Launch Date: February 20, 2013
Campaign Description:
Chocolatier Lindt USA has launched the fifth year of its Easter-focused cause marketing partnership with Autism Speaks. Lindt will donate 10 cents for every purchase of its gold bunny through Easter up to $100,000. A ‘Pin 2 Win Gold Bunny Challenge’ Pinterest effort asks users to create boards focused on Easter traditions, featuring at least one pin with Lindt GOLD BUNNY. Once 1,000 or more Pinterest users have participated in the challenge, Lindt will donate an additional $10,000 to Autism Speaks. All pinners are eligible to win one of ten Easter gift baskets. A small online component will also donate $1 for every free Easter e-card sent up to $5,000.
Our Take
This campaign is almost identical to the partnership’s 2012 effort. New this year is the inclusion of a consumer incentive to the Pinterest effort which includes automatic entry into a drawing for $100 of Lindt Easter products and a Michael’s gift card. Interested in learning more about pairing incentives with cause efforts? Check out this great webinar from the archive.
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