Alex Díaz, Google.org's Head of Crisis Response and Humanitarian Aid drops by to talk about the org's crisis response, how to bolster your own program and what he's learned along the way.
Since 2005 Google.Org (Google’s philanthropic arm) has brought the best of Google to help solve some of humanity’s biggest challenges — combining funding, innovation and technical expertise to support underserved communities and provide opportunity for everyone.
In today’s episode, EFG’s Alli Murphy is joined by Alex Díaz, Head of Crisis Response and Humanitarian Aid at Google.org to talk about the work he and his team do, what he’s learned along the way and how companies can develop proactive crisis management strategies of their own.
Tune into today’s episode to learn all about:
- How Google responds to crises (and some of the criteria they use to make the decision)
- The work that goes in before a disaster strikes (including anticipatory action)
- How they help build resilient communities long after the news has left
- How companies can bolster their own crisis or disaster response programs
- The importance of building nonprofit partnerships proactively
- The full spectrum of a crisis timeline and the need to diversify funding across the disaster cycle
- How companies can leverage their various assets (not just cash)
- The impact of coupling dollars with volunteering
One thing we didn’t talk about is Google.Org’s response to Covid – but they’re doing a lot here too. Google.Org has committed $100 million and 50,000 hours of pro bono support to COVID-19 response including direct cash transfers which Alex mentions in this episode.
Mentioned Links
Google.Org on Twitter
Google.Org Website
Google on LinkedIn
Google.Org’s COVID-19 Response
Previous episode that references Google Fellows