In their latest CorpSumer research, MWWPR has identified a powerful segment of the population that have become activists for brands. This segment, called the CorpSumers, isn’t a trend and they aren’t going away. They are the new reality of business. Their attitudes and beliefs about company reputation are so strong that they drive behavior. They are willing to pay a premium for brands that share their values and look to you actions to determine not only the products they buy, but the companies they invest in, do business in and work for.
- 33% of Americans think a company’s reputation is just as important as the products it makes AND have purchased a product more than once, because of this reason. MWWPR calls these people “CorpSumers”. They walk the talk.
- 67% of CorpSumers would rather pay the full price for a
product that supports a cause they believe in or reflects their personal values. - 63% of CorpSumers have switched from a company because they wanted to support things that another company does, such as charitable donations or social causes.
- 64% of CorpSumers strongly agree that they would only work at a company if the values of the company align with their own.
- 51% of CorpSumers have stayed with a company whose products or services they were not completely satisfied with because they wanted to support other things that the company does.
- 88% of CorpSumers are likely to share positive news or information about a company either in person or on social media.
- 78% of CorpSumers are likely to share negative news or information about a company either in person or on social media.
- 76% of CorpSumers have encouraged someone to buy a product or service mainly because they wanted to support the company that makes the product.
- 74% of CorpSumers have encouraged someone to give up or try a product mainly because of the company’s reputation.