As a cause marketer, why on earth would you want to take more risks? Isn’t it easier to allow someone else to go first or second? Safer? Of course, your levels of security and certainty increase as you minimize risk and failure but according to Public Inc.’s Phil Haid, you sacrifice impact, creativity and scale.
Consider this: $400 billion goes toward charitable giving in the US each year. But the cost just to educate K-12 is $500 billion annually. Charitable giving is but a drop in the bucket and so much more needs to be done to affect real change.
Haid’s contention is that the only way to create this massive change is to take risks. To move beyond cause marketing as “the right thing to do” and change our culture of charitable giving so that’s acceptable for these activities to be fun, different, remarkable and meaningful.
So many companies are hesitant to do, but Haid says not only is it OK to connect cause efforts with a positive shift in bottom line, it’s the only way to generate impact at scale.
For more on risk-taking, including case examples, check out this recorded webinar by Public Inc.’s Phil Haid. As always, CMF Members receive these recordings FREE. Non-members can access this and other recordings for just $99.
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