A new initiative from Sabra Dipping Company (think: hummus) is tackling ‘food desserts’ as its cause of choice, reportedly one of the first companies to select this particular focus for a CSR initiative. Of note: the effort will start in Sabra’s backyard in Richmond, VA and feature an employee work share garden, an excellent way to engage employees in this purpose-focused movement. The company has plans to expand the initiative year over year and will focus on awareness and education in partnership with NGOs, health agencies and other private entities focused on the issue.
Sabra CEO Shali Shalit-Shoval joined employees in Chesterfield County, VA, to launch Sabra’s “Plants with a Purpose,” a community engagement mission dedicated to helping alleviate the impact of Food Deserts in the U.S. Food Deserts, as defined by the USDA, are neighborhoods and towns without ready access to fresh, healthy, affordable food (specifically fruits and vegetables). It is estimated that more than 23 million Americans live in impacted areas. Sabra Dipping Company is the maker of America’s best-selling hummus and a range of dips and spreads, and this program aligns with their vision of bringing people together through fresh food experiences.
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