Do you ever wonder how much companies spend on their social good and cause marketing initiatives each year?
We do, too.
Although it’s nearly impossible to quantify due to the complexity, IEG’s annual Sponsorship Report provides our industry’s best benchmark.
Good news: they’ve just released their 2016 data and 2017 predictions.
Drumroll please…
In 2017 cause sponsorship is expected to increase 3.6% to reach $2.06 billion. Click to tweet.
In 2016, the actual spending number ($1.99 billion) fell a bit shy of the $2.0 billion predicted. Cause remains at 9% of the overall sponsorship total.
Since it’s our 15th birthday this year, we’re taking a retrospective look at almost everything. Back in 2002, cause spending was only $816 million. Fast forward to 2016 and that’s an increase of 152%!
And speaking of statistics, you may want to (re)visit the most popular page on our site, Statisics Every Cause Marketer Should Know (recently updated).
See a stat that we’ve missed? Drop our communications director Megan a line and let her know.
Thanks for all you do to contribute to a vibrant, growing cause space!
David Hessekiel
Engage for Good
P.S. A reminder that Halo Award submissions are due a week from today (unless you don’t mind paying a late fee…then you have another week until the 24th). We’re getting lots of great questions, which we’re always happy to answer. So drop us a line if you need any guidance.