Today on CauseTalk Radio, Megan and Joe talk to Anne Candido, Fabric Care Communications, Procter & Gamble about bringing relief to residents affected by Hurricane Harvey and Irma with P&G product kits and Tide Loads of Hope laundry services.
On the show, Megan, Anne and Joe discuss:
- How Tide Loads of Hope got started and how it has evolved.
- What’s in the “care kits” that P&G distributes.
- P&G’s partnership with Matthew 25 Ministries and Whirlpool.
- How they communicate with victims on access to the truck when disaster areas don’t have power.
- How P&G employees can get involved in Tide Loads of Hope.
- How Tide Loads of Hope trucks are used when they aren’t needed for a disaster scene.
- How the program is funded.
- How Tide Loads of Hope helps P&G sell more detergent.
- How P&G shares the Tide Loads of Hope mission with consumers.
- How P&G is growing the program.
Mentioned Links
Matthew 25 Ministries
Tide Loads of Hope