Campaign: Nissan/Habitat for Humanity Facebook App
Company: Nissan
Nonprofit Partner: Habitat for Humanity
Launch Date: March 21, 2012
Agency: TBWA \ Chiat \ Day
Campaign Description:
Nissan and Habitat for Humanity have launched a new Facebook app on Nissan’s Facebook page in celebration of their ongoing cause marketing partnership. The interactive video experience allows users to type in commands which volunteers then perform on-screen. Typing the right commands (like “clean the window”) earns points, while the wrong ones (“attack the window”) get laughs. The top 100 scorers get a personalized video from Nissan at an upcoming build site featuring volunteers pounding a nail into the structure in the name of each winner, as well as a Nissan t-shirt.
Our Take:
Nissan’s 6-year partnership with Habitat for Humanity has raised $7.5 million in grants and donations with 5,000 Nissan employees having volunteered with Habitat. This light-hearted app is designed to bring awareness to the partnership in general and incorporates a gaming aspect to increase competition via a leader-board. We’d love to see a strong call to action to learn more about the cause or partnership contained somewhere within the experience. But just when we thought we’d seen it all on Facebook…this clever app opens the door to a whole new type of engagement. Check out the video example below…
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