Campaign: Urban Zen Bracelet
Company: Donna Karan
Nonprofit Partner: Urban Zen Foundation
Launch Date: 2/13/2013
Campaign Description:
Fashion designer Donna Karan launched the sale of a cause product sold exclusively on Twitter during New York Fashion Week. The proceeds from the $80 bracelet benefit Haiti and are directed toward Karan’s Urban Zen Foundation. The bracelet is one of the first products available using Amex Sync, which allows a user to synch their Twitter account with a credit card using hashtags.
Our Take:
Although we cringe at nebulous language such as “proceeds” when describing donations in cause marketing efforts, the concept of selling products exclusively on Twitter is certainly an intriguing one. Karan was smart to gauge customer reaction to this new ecommerce interface by making the sale purely charitable. What are your thoughts on this cause-based, only-on-Twitter effort? Will others soon follow suit?
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