Campaign: Food Chain Reaction
Company: Panera Bread
Nonprofit Partner: Feeding America
Launch Date: February 18, 2013
Campaign Description:
As part of its larger ‘Live Consciously’ campaign launched in February, Panera Bread is running a social cause marketing effort called ‘Food Chain Reaction’. For every circle of five friends formed via their Facebook page, Panera will work with its Foundation to provide a bowl of its Low-Fat Vegetarian Black Bean soup to a person in need through its alliance with Feeding America with a goal of donating 500,000 bowls of soup.
Our Take:
We love that Panera’s Facebook effort is connected to the company’s larger, purpose-focused initiative. In concept, creating an online “food chain reaction” sounds like a social media no-brainer. In execution, asking Facebook users to hand-select friends to invite to their virtual circles may be perceived as a tall order. Want to hear more about Panera’s purpose focus? Be sure to join us for April’s Cause Marketing Masters webinar ‘From Corporate Philanthropy to Purpose Marketing‘ with Chris Hollander, Panera’s VP of Marketing.