Campaign: Care to Recycle
Company: Johnson & Johnson
Nonprofit Partners: Recycle Bank, Keep America Beautiful, Net Impact and Earth911
Launch Date: October 17, 2013
Johnson & Johnson has launched CARE TO RECYCLE, a new, message-focused recycling-based cause campaign, with a gentle reminder to recycle more items from the bathroom, which they have re-branded as “the smallest room”. According to J&J, this is the first recycling awareness campaign of its kind to be hosted exclusively on Tumblr. The initiative includes a video that site visitors are encouraged to share, along with shareable posts. The site also includes information and links to key partner sites such as Recycle Bank, Keep America Beautiful, Net Impact and Earth911.
Our Take:
J&J commissioned a study and learned that while 7 out of 10 Americans say they always or almost always recycle, only 1 in 5 consistently recycles bathroom items. CARE TO RECYCLE is their answer to this hole in consumer recycling efforts. Beginning with this Tumblr effort, J&J will soon expand the campaign to include this reminder on product packaging. The message of a ‘small act in a small room’ to make a ‘big impact in a big world’ is succinct and memorable. We’re curious to see if this effort grows into a transactional-type cause effort where consumers are incentivized to recycle by donations on specially marked, “smallest room” products.
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