Dear Friend,
It’s not often that a single cause unites us as a country, but the COVID-19 pandemic has done exactly that.
As someone who’s just emerged from an over-two-week bout with the virus myself, I consider myself one of the “lucky ones” who avoided complications but I assure you it’s not an experience I’d wish on my worst enemy.
It’s been heartening to see purpose rise to the top as nearly the only form of communication right now that doesn’t seem tone-deaf as brands scramble to ensure they are considered part of the community of ‘helpers’.
While it’s overwhelming to wade through the sea of COVID-19 ‘resources’ that have cropped up in recent weeks, I’d like to bring your attention to a few that we hope you’ll find particularly useful.
EFG’s COVID-19 Social Impact Resource Page – We’ve collected articles, webinars and guides specific to the social impact industry to help you better navigate this crisis. The majority are free to all. Some live and recorded webinars are free only to EFG Members, but in those cases, we’ve worked hard to provide free recaps to those for whom membership may not be an option at this time.
‘Read With Purpose’ Social Impact Book Club April 23rd (4pm ET) – Our own Megan Strand and’s Joe Waters have been planning this social impact book club even prior to the COVID-19 pandemic but what better time to connect with new peers? The first book is From Generosity To Justice: A New Gospel Of Wealth which you can get online for FREE here. Request to join the ‘Read With Purpose’ Facebook group here.
The Essential Guide To COVID-19 Research – We’ve compiled the latest research from Edelman, Kantar, Ipsos, 4A’s and more in this one-stop COVID-19 brand research page.
I genuinely hope this message finds you and yours healthy and happy. Stay well and keep in touch!