Producing the Cause Marketing Forum conference is a serious business endeavor, but looking back at last week’s gathering it feels a lot like we threw a wedding.
We’ve got terrific photos of our guests and lots of videotaped interviews shot by our friends at 3BL Media. Megan put together a round-up of cause marketing videos shown at CMF11 that are worth a watch.
Many gracious attendees have followed Emily Post’s advice and sent touching post-party notes — some private and some public such as Cone, Joe Waters, IEG, Cause Nation and Network for Good (did you pen a post? Add it in the comments section!)I’ve spent most of the last two days sending thank yous and congratulatory notes to our speakers, sponsors and staff and reading comments in our guest book (aka evaluations) Most are extremely positive, some are unhappy, all are taken seriously and appreciated. If you attended and didn’t get a chance to fill out an evaluation, please email your thoughts to us.
This afternoon, I had the pleasure of opening my party favor — a $25 gift card from, one of our two Cause Marketing Golden Halo honorees. It enabled me to make the “topping off” contribution to purchase a new rug for a school in the working class town just north of where I live. What an affirming experience.
Soon I’ll start planning our next big get-together: The 10th annual Cause Marketing Forum conference in 2012. I should have news to share on the dates and place later this summer. Hope you can join us!
What did you enjoy about CMF11? What do you hope to see next year? Let me know in the comments below.
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