Recent social and political upheaval has lead the belief-driven employee to examine priorities and values they choose to uphold in their lives. This study marked a sea of change in the world of work. Employees expect more commitment to social issues now more than ever.
The 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report: The Belief-Driven Employee, conducted in August 2021, surveyed 7,000 employees in 7 countries, examines the new employee-employer contract, requiring business to take a much more ambitious role in society—on behalf of their employees.
Key Findings
- 6 in 10 employees choose their employe based on beliefs
- Belief-driven employees are more loyal, committed and likely to advocate for an organization
- Employees are ranked as the most important stakeholder to a company achieving long-term success
- All job expectations are on the rise and 7 in 10 employees expect opportunities for social impact
- 20% say they have left their job or plan to leave their job in the last 6 months
- 62% said they have increased in value to their employer by taking on more work and responsibility since the pandemic.
- 43% said their employer is not doing well on taking the issue of employee burnout seriously
- 1 in 3 employees have left their job because their employer failed to take a stand